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2023 Competition Results

It's a wrap on Prix Annelie de Man 2023! Congratulations to our deserving and inspiring prize winners, bravi to all our artists, jury, performers and competitors, and thank you to each and every one of our audience members!

Stay tuned for a 2025 edition!

Finalists Composition Category:

Jānis Petraškevičs: Neparalēles

(Non-parallels) (2022)

for harpsichord and accordeon 1ST PRIZE

Jinwook Jung: "Bom?" (2017-18)

t-rec & harpsichord

Leonardo Marino: Quando il passato

era ancora presente (2020)

for harpsichord 2ND PRIZE

Jona Kümper: Sweat (2023)

for harpsichord, 4 organs and percussion

Sébastien Béranger: Chor(us/al) (2005)

for harpsichord

Maarten Bauer: Kain Panjang (2022-23)

for viola de gamba and harpsichord

Vivek Haria: Dhyāna (2022)

for violin and harpsichord

Finalists Harpsichord:

Elena Khurgina 1ST PRIZE

Daria Vorontsova

Yihan Zhao 2ND PRIZE


Witold Maciak

Elena Khurgina

Yihan Zhao

Natsumi Mizushima

Julien Pizzichemi

Daria Vorontsova

Ceci Keiffer

Joyce Chen

Finalists Black Pencil Prize:

Niccolò Angioni (1992-Italië) : Unconscious Patterns (2023)

blockflute, panflute, viola, accordion and percussion

Nikodem Kluczyński (1999-Polen): Black hole disco interference (2023)

blockflute, panflute, viola, accordion and percussion

Ruud Roelofsen (1985-Nederland): Wraith II (2023)

blockflute, panflute, viola, accordion and percussion WINNER




Applications are closed. Check back for 2025 regulations.


​Please understand the Prix receives many applications: send the information about the composition(s) as clearly as possible.

There is no age limit and no application fee. The competition is for composers from all nationalities. In the composition, the duration of which should not exceed 10 minutes the harpsichord should have the principal role.


Harpsichord in chamber music settings is the preferred instrumentation, however, solo harpsichord pieces will also be considered. The harpsichord may be combined with other instruments, electronics, video and/or theatrical elements. We encourage the combination of harpsichord with the instruments available at the Orgelpark. If selected, the Annelie de Man Foundation will guarantee a live performance with an ensemble not exceeding 6 musicians (harpsichordist included).

  • 1st prize: EUR. 2.000

  • 2nd prize: EUR. 1.000


Guus Janssen 
Roderik de Man 

Ere Lievonen


The jury will choose the winning work(s) after listening to the live performances during the Prix Annelie de Man, in December 2023 at Orgelpark Amsterdam. We reserve the right to make necessary planning and programme order during the concerts.


Candidates should supply:
- Most recent biography of max. 200 words (in English)

- A recent photo of the composer in high resolution

- A program note: a description of the composition. If the piece has been performed and/or recorded, include details of when, where and by whom was it performed, and if there’s an existing recording on a CD or digital release.

- If applicable: a brief description of any special features, such as preparation of instruments, electronics, visuals, props, complex staging, etc.
- The score (and parts, if applicable) of the piece, together with the necessary performance instructions in PDF. Please use your real name: a pseudonym is not needed.
- If available, a recording, either:

- audio in AIFF, WAV or mp3. Alternatively, a MIDI file (in mp3 format) is also accepted. 


- link to a public or an unlisted YouTube/Vimeo video of a (live) performance (please don't upload large video files)

Note: a composer is welcome to submit more than one composition.


Black Pencil Prize



Applications are closed. Check back for 2025 regulations.


​Please understand the Prix receives many applications: send the information about the composition(s) as clearly as possible.

There is no age limit and no application fee. The competition is open to composers of all nationalities. The duration of the composition should be minimum of 4 and maximum of 8 minutes.

The Black Pencil Prize will be awarded to a new composition written for the instrumentation of the Black Pencil ensemble: recorder, panflute, viola, accordion, percussion (all five of the ensemble's instruments). The piece can also include harpsichord, (live) electronics, video and/or theatrical elements.

Black Pencil will also be ensemble in residence in the 2023 edition of the Prix Annelie de Man, 29 November - 03 December 2023 at the Orgelpark Amsterdam. It means that you can count on the expertise of the virtuoso members of Black Pencil for writing new compositions, making use of the instrumentation of the ensemble.

Jorge Isaac – Recorder (blockflute), Artistic Director

Matthijs Koene – Panflute

Esra Pehlivanli – Viola

Marko Kassl – Accordion

Enric Monfort – Percussion


For detailed information about each one of the instruments and how to write for Black Pencil, please visit

  • EUR. 2.000

  • A professional studio recording of the winning composition

  • Performance of the piece during a selection of concerts of Black Pencil

  • Additional prizes will be considered


ALL members of Ensemble Black Pencil

Roderik de Man 

The jury will choose 3 to 5 works to be performed during the festival Prix Annelie de Man, 29 November -03 December 2023 at Orgelpark Amsterdam, from which the winning composition will be selected. We reserve the right to make necessary planning and programme order during the concert.


Candidates should supply:
- Most recent biography of max. 200 words (in English)

- A recent photo of the composer in high resolution

- A program note: a description of the composition.

- If applicable: a brief description of any special features, such as preparation of instruments, electronics, visuals, props, complex staging, etc.
- The score and parts of the piece, together with the necessary performance instructions in PDF. Please use your real name: a pseudonym is not needed.
- A MIDI audio file (in mp3 format) for reference

Note: a composer is welcome to submit more than one composition.





Applications are closed. Check back for 2025 regulations.

The harpsichordists competition is open to players born on or after 01 September 1987. There are no application fees and no nationality restrictions. Winners of previous competitions of the Prix Annelie de Man are allowed to participate

  • 1st prize: EUR. 2.000

  • 2nd prize: EUR. 1.000


Jane Chapman

Menno van Delft

Kristian Nyquist

The competition for harpsichordists has three rounds.


A representative video recording of your preliminary round program is preferred. However, an audio recording is also accepted. The deadline to submit the recording is the same as the application deadline (15 September 2023). The jury will select the candidates for the second and final rounds.

Repertoire preliminary round

- Three (3) solo works chosen by the candidate, composed after 1960.


- The second and final rounds will take place during the Prix Annelie de Man at the Orgelpark in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, on 3 December 2023.

- The candidates are requested to compile a programme with a minimum duration of 20 minutes to a maximum of 30 minutes. The jury will choose 15 to 20 minutes of music from his/her programme to be performed in the second round. 

- The winner will be announced in the final concert on 03 December 2023 and they will perform at least one of the compositions of his/her programme during the same concert.

- All programmes should be sent no later than 15 October 2023 (extended).

- All second and final round finalists will receive a free festival pass for all activities during the Prix and are expected to attend all masterclasses and workshops of the Prix.

Repertoire second and final rounds

- all works should be composed after 1960

- at least one composition written in or after 2005

- at least one composition by a Dutch composer

Compulsory composition is ‘One Harpsichord’ by Martijn Padding (2023); length is 8 minutes. The candidates can purchase it through the publisher Donemus.

The length of this composition (8 min) should be included in the total length of the programme.

The works played in the preliminary rounds can be presented again in the second or final round. The use of electronic/theatrical elements is allowed. Please note that you are responsible for providing all the technical information and files (audio, video, patches, etc) for the realisation of your performance no later than 01 October 2023. The winner is obliged to perform one or more works of his/her programme at the final concert of the Prix Annelie de Man on 03 December 2023.


Candidates should supply:

- A copy of a valid passport/ID in JPEG or PDF

- Most recent biography of max. 200 words (in English)

- A recent photo of the performer in high resolution

Program for the preliminary round, consisting of three (3) solo works composed after 1960. Mention clearly: composer name, composition title, year of composition, instrumentation, exact length.
- A recording of your preliminary round program, either:

- video (preferred): link to an unlisted YouTube/Vimeo video (please don't upload large video files)

- audio in AIFF, WAV or mp3 




Should you have any questions regarding the competition, please email:

2021 Winners & Participants


Finalists composition


Bohdan Syroyid - Duas Lineas for Solo Harpsichord

Ivan Božičević - Willows are green, flowers are crimson for Harpsichord and Hyperorgan

Laurence Osborn - Coin Op Automata: Part 1 for String Quartet and Harpsichord

Paul Pankert - Toccata for Harpsichord and Live Electronics

Finalists BPP

BP Prize_IG.jpg

Umut Eldem: …and we look into the waves

Mayako Kubo: Reset II

Florence Anna Maunders: Desert Spaces

Gerson de Sousa Batista: The Creation Anima Animus

Erik Valdemar Sköld: Álfheimr

Finalists harpsichord



Adeline Cartier, Anna Anashkina, Darío Cervera Jorda, Elena Khurgina, Kyle Collins, Liubov Titarenko, Magdalena Bak, Olga Paciej, Piibe Talen, Sangmi Choi, Young Im Woo

Adeline Cartier, Sangmi Choi, Piibe Talen, Liubov Titarenko


© 2012-2025 by 

Annelie de Man Foundation

Prix Annelie de Man 2023 was sponsored by:

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